Captain Nick's Fishing Tips - HOOK 360°

Captain Nick's Fishing Tips

The best way to make sure you don’t lose that next world record fish is to make sure you’re using the right knot. You need to learn a fishing knot that can retain 100% of...
HOOK 360° Announces Its Youngest Fishing Ambassador at 6 years old - HOOK 360°

HOOK 360° Announces Its Youngest Fishing Ambassador at 6 years old

Kaya Mystic is a 6-year-old who loves to fish more than anything The HOOK 360° team recognized 6-year-old Kaya Mystic at their beach clean up and was inspired by her love of fishing. Kaya, who...
Plastic vs. Stainless Steel Straws - HOOK 360°

Plastic vs. Stainless Steel Straws

PLASTIC STRAWS VS STEEL STRAWS The straw debate is quite the hot topic right now and there is a growing concern about it, using reusable straws the perfect first step to reducing the amount of plastic...
Delray Beach Clean Up - HOOK 360°

Delray Beach Clean Up

We were honored to host a beach clean up in Delray Beach, FL alongside the Sandoway Discovery Center and marine biologist, Evan Orellana. 75 locals joined us on a beautiful cool beach morning to collect...
Is a Portuguese man o' war a Jellyfish? - HOOK 360°

Is a Portuguese man o' war a Jellyfish?

Hooked on Conservation with Evan, powered by HOOK 360°. The Portuguese man o' war is not a true jellyfish but a siphonophore, which is not actually a single multicellular organism.
Drop Shot Rig - HOOK 360°

Drop Shot Rig

The drop-shot rig is a finesse technique that has been made popular by the bass fishing community, walleye and panfish anglers as well are now using the drop shot with many successes.
Texas Rig - HOOK 360°

Texas Rig

Choosing the right fishing rig to use under various conditions is important as learning how catch fish on them. Most rigs are designed fairly simply and are used for specific types of fishing. We have...